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Daycare Center


Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. – Proverbs 22:6

Pre-K3 Program

The LAMBS (Love All My Brothers & Sisters) class is taught by Ms. Carla and has a 9:1 ratio. She has been the teacher for this class for the past 13 years and loves on these little babes BIG every day.

This class operates from 8:45am-2pm. This class is offered as a 2-day (M/W or T/TH) or 4-day (Monday-Thursday) program.

The perfect introduction to the school setting, our Pre-K3 class is designed to meet the needs age three children who will turn four.  We follow the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines PreK3. They learn to work with others, follow directions, self-regulate, follow routines, and develop self-help skills to become independent learners.

This program offers:

  • Physical health and motor development experiences

  • Social and emotional development lessons

  • Language and communication development exercises

  • Cognitive development opportunities 

  • Bible stories and application

  • 1:1 phonological awareness pull out

​Pre-K4 Program

The FISH (First Instinct Should be Him) class is taught by Ms. Tammy, has a 14:1 ratio, and primarily includes our "younger fours" (Spring and Summer birthdays). 


The BUGS (Best Under God's Service) class is taught by Ms. Melanie and has a 14:1 ratio.  The BUGS class is for our "older fours turning five" (Fall birthdays).


The FISH & BUGS classes operate from 8:45am-2pm. These classes are offered as a 2-day (M/W or T/TH) or 4-day (Monday-Thursday) program.

Pre-K is an essential next step to kindergarten readiness. We follow the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines PreK4 that are aligned with the Kindergarten Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and are sequenced to follow child development and give teaching strategies for each of the guidelines. The guidelines offer our teachers the information and support to prepare our students for success in Kindergarten.


Our Pre-K program explores:

  • Social and emotional development 

  • Language and communication opportunities 

  • Emergent literacy skills

  • Math and science lessons

  • Physical development activities

  • Art lessons

  • Bible stories and application

  • 1:1 phonemic awareness pull out

Kindergarten Program

The FROGS (Fully Rely On God's Salvation) will be taught by Ms. Katie has a 10:1 ratio. This class operates from 8:15am-2:30pm Monday-Thursday.

Learning experiences are based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), which are the state standards for what students should know and be able to do and our focus is first-grade preparedness.

With a small class size, Ms. Katie can tailor instruction more individually in the following areas: 

  • Reading (comprehension, accuracy, fluency, and expanding vocabulary)

  • Mathematics

  • Writing 

  • Science  

  • Social Studies

  • Social and emotional skills

  • Bible stories and application

  • Art lessons

  • 1:1 phonemic awareness pull out

Summer Program

The Summer Program is a smaller program than during the school year with only two classrooms having 12:1 ratios with mixed ages. Our summer program runs from May 27 through August 6, 2025 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9am-2pm.  This program serves children age Pre-K3 through First Grade and that are fully toilet trained. LTW will provide a morning snack and children are to provide their own lunch. Registration for our summer session will open March 1st each year. 

Learning experiences are theme based during the summer. With a small group size, we can enjoy our time in the following areas:  

  • Outdoor active play

  • Arts and crafts

  • Indoor fine motor activities  

  • STEM sessions

  • Provided snack time

  • Educational digital connections

  • Bible stories and application

  • Emergent literacy skills

Learning Their Way

1001 Mission Dr, New Braunfels, TX 78130

Tel: (830) 358-7718

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Monday - Thursday:



Pre-K3 Program

Pre-K4 Program

Kindergarten Program

Summer Program

© 2023 Learning Their Way Private School. Powered by Consumr Buzz.

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